Friday, July 6, 2007

Preparation and Trepidation

Who'd have thought emigrating from the country would require so much planning?

I suppose the circumspection isn't really required - I know I could step off the plane having given no thought to my next move and get along fine - but I feel an obligation to my current lifestyle of structure and order to organise at least the first few days into some semblance of a plan, and to have a vague idea of what else I might want to do in the following year.

So far though, I don't have much.

I want to use this journey as an opportunity to change my outlook on life, and my goals and ambitions for the future. Move away from the humdrum and the rat race that I'm currently a part of, and get back to experiencing the things that happiness of the soul truly emerges from.

So with that in mind, what have I got planned for my first week in Australia?

I'd love to have a list of plans so exciting that you're immediately convinced to regularly come and check this blog to find out how I'm getting on with my croc-wrestling, wreck-diving, emu-riding, and training for the international off-road pogo-stick mountaineering championships – but so far, the only concrete plan I have is… a job interview. I depress myself.

So the search for activities to indulge in whilst in Australia has begun. I arrive in Sydney so I suppose I should take advantage of that… A trip to the Opera House has to be made! Maybe oysters under Harbour Bridge before catching a show. I understand there's good drinking in the city… so I'll be on the look out for a nice bar or two. Then there's the Blue Mountains not far from Sydney… my time in Edinburgh has got me used to hills - I reckon I'm ready to tackle a mountain.

Has anyone been to Sydney before? Heard anything about the place? Can anyone make something up? If you suggest a plan: a place to go, a thing to see, a drink to consume, or a person to throw jelly at – I'll do it in your honour!

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